In game of mini bridge only recognizing contract game and not game (partscore). While in game of bridge also there are contract small slam and grand slam. If you bid small slam (bid 6) its meaning you have to collect 12 tricks, while grand slam (bid 7) you have to collect 13 tricks.
Bonus small slam = 800
Bonus grand slam = 1300
Taking example you of bid 6c and succeed to collect 13 tricks, and so you get score:
6♣ + 1 (6x20) = 120
Bonus = 800
Up one = 20+
6♣ + 1 = 940
And if only you of bid 7c and succeed to collect 13 tricks hence its score:
7♣ + 0 (7x20) = 140
Bonus =1300+
7♣ + 0 =1440
Taking example you of bid 7♣ but you is only can obtain 12 tricks, hence this contract down one. Thereby opponent to obtain score 50, Therefore, if strength of hold of your card and partner can obtain 13 tricks hence doing bid till slam grand level. But when only can get 12 of trick your enough slam small bid (bid 6).
Way of slam small bid like in determining contract of game. Reference for the bid of slam the amount of point both hands (dummy + declarer). Owning 33 point minimum 3 Ace, you can slam bid and can to get 12 tricks. Owning 35 point by 4 Ace, you can slam grand bid and can get 13 tricks.
By using agreement between partners through system of bidding, you can determine the amount of point in both hands. But how to know the amount of Ace had by partner? To that's we have to compliment to Easley Blackwood which have created convention of Blackwood (1933). Pursuant to agreement between partners, this convention mention when you of bid 4NT so partner have to answer pursuant to amount of owned Ace like following:
You Partner
1♠ 3♠
4NT 5♣ = 0 or 3 Ace
5♦ = 1 or 4 Ace
5♥ = 2 Ace is-chromatic
5♠ = 2 Ace mix
If Blackwood bidder (player which bid 4NT) then bid 5NT and so that it’s meaning he ask the amount of King. It’s Answer like following:
6♣ = 0 King
6♦ = 1 King
6♥ = 2 King
6♠ = 3 King
Bid 5NT not merely simply asking card of King but also to advise partner that side you have holed all Aces and have an eye to grand slam bid (contract 7).
West East
♠ AQ987 10652
♥ K2 A943
♦ AKQ73 954
♣ 3 AJ6
1♠ 3♠
4NT¹ 5♠ ²
6♠ ³ Pass
1). Ask Ace (Blackwood)
2). 2 Ace isochromatic
3). After showing 2 Ace, small possibility when partner have King spade by 10-12 point. Become contract of small slam have enough.
West East
♠ AK978 Q854
♥ KQ 842
♦ KQJ43 9
♣ 3 AQ986
1♠ 3♠
4NT¹ 5♦²
5♠³ Pass
1). Ask Ace (Blackwood)
2). 1 Ace
3). 2 Ace in holding opponent going to be enough to play at 5♠.
Translated From Magazine Bridge Indonesia. From Mini Bridge to Bridge, by. Ir. Iskandar, 10/06
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