From Mini Bridge to Bridge
At previous article, have been exemplified modestly about offer in auction a painting, Where when Tom do offer equal to $ 500, of course he have money and can to pay for painting price such as those which he offer. Become, if you do offer 1♠, hence you sure and can to get 7 trick, with Spade suit as suit of trump. Thereby, if you have opened offer like 1♠, its meaning you have enough HCP, minimum 12 HCP and long Spade suit, minimum 4 cards.
Taking example you have hold of card as in under this, what you of bid?
a. ♠ AKQ2 ♥ AK72 ♦ J109 ♣ 872
Bid 1♥, because you have 16 HCP and long heart colour (4 cards).
b. ♠ KQ1097 ♥ 4 ♦ AK10 ♣ 6
Bid 1♠: 12 HCP and long Spade colour (5 cards).
c. ♠ 10 ♥ 1085 ♦ J106 ♣ AKJ853
Pass, you have long Club suit, but not have point which last for bid.
d. ♠ AK ♥ J98654 ♦ A72 ♣ A3
Bid 1♥, although colour of heart crummy, but you have 15 HCP
Response to Opening Bid
If partner have done bid of opening, hence you only requiring 6 point to do bargain in response to opener bidding of partner. Its amount of this HCP you and partner will be used in determining final contract of game.
What such with response?
As responder, matter you which must do to look for compatible colour (fit). Because partner bargain by 4 card, hence you can support colour which partner bid if you hold 4 card or more colour which bid by partner. Boost up one higher level if you hold 6-9 point, bid till level 3 when holding 10-12 point.
Opener Responder
1♥ 2♥ = 6-9 point with 4 cards ♥ or more
3♥ =10-12 point with 4 cards ♥ or more
Opener Responder?
1♥ ♠ J54
♥ K743
♦ 732
♣ Q83
Bid 2♥, 6-9 point with 4 cards support Heart. Don’t pass, but boosting up one level, opener possible hold point more and strength, so that enable for the bid of game.
Opener Responder?
1♠ ♠ J843
♥ KQ9764
♦ 9
♣ 53
Bid 2♠, don't not bid 2♥ (new suit) because there compatible suit (major fit), more special when holding limited point.
Opener Responder?
1♦ ♠ K43
♥ 5
♦ K9853
♣ J832
Bid 2♦, you have 7 point with Diamond support.
Previous Article Learn Bridge Base:
Translated From Magazine Bridge Indonesia, From Mini Bridge to Bridge, by. Ir. Iskandar,8/06
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