Saturday, August 06, 2011

Rebid Responder after Forcing Bid Opener

After important comprehending him of jump rebid at two level, now we will learn to rebid forcing. West as dealer doing opening bid 1. East of response 1, Hereinafter of answer 1, West of rebid 1 which have double sense? First meaning is natural that is holding 5 cards of Heart with 16-18 Hcp, while the other sense is hold 19 Hcp or more with any distribution.
Card distribution example and way of bidding:

1.    West                       East
AQ9                     K432
KJ10753            A8642
95                        2
AK                     642

1                        1
1¹                       2²
2NT³                    3
3                        3
4NT                     5
1: Forcing, 19 up or 5 cards  with 16-18 Hcp
2: 5 cards  with short other suit
3: Ask short suit
4: Short diamond
5: Slam try in Heart
6: Control in suit spade
7: Key card
8: One key card

System of bidding modified, many player using rebid 1 as forcing by 19 point or more. While to show opener heart suit of rebid 2 to answer 1 from responder who mean hold 5 cards of heart and 4 cards other suit or 6 card of heart with limited point that is 16-18 Hcp. Whereas response of forcing (1) to show 5 cards of heart or 5 cards of spade usually set back like following: to express responder hold 5 cards of spade rebid 2, while for hold 5 cards of heart rebid 2. Why have to that way?

This matter to take care of bidding level, if opener rebid mean natural by 16-18 point so opener can pass bid to response 2 responder. Thereby will not happened bidding over able to harm. On the contrary of responder rebid 2, bidding can be continued because both sides have found fit 5-5 in heart suit and possibility of distribution can profit. To be more sharpness again, let us see responder rebid of rebid 1 from opener like hereunder.

Opener           Responder
   1        -      1♦   : 0-7 Hcp, any distribution
   1        -      1♠   : 0-4 Hcp, any distribution
                       1NT: Balance or 4144 short , 5-7 Hcp
                       2  : Natural, 5 cards , 5-7 Hcp
                       2♦   : Natural, 5 cards , 5-7 Hcp
                       2♥   : 5 cards , 5-7 Hcp
                       2   : 5 cards , 5-7 Hcp
                       2NT: 5 cards , 5-7 Hcp, no short other suit
                       3♣  : 4441 distribution, Spl
                       3♦  : 4414 distribution, Spl
                       3 : 1444 distribution, Spl

At opening 1, if rebid opener 1 of responder rebid 1, first assumption that partner hold 5 cards of heart. Therefore, with support of suit good heart so giving clear answer about hold of card of responder.

Example of bidding and card distribution

2.    West                          East
3                             A864
AK                         Q864
973                         2
AKQ9753             8642

1                           1
1¹                          3²
4³                         4

1: Forcing
2: 4414 distributions with 5-7 Hcp
3: Slam try in Club
4: Cue bid

Next article: Hold Solid Cards Distribution over Opening 1 Club

Translate from Magazine Bridge Indonesia, Opening 1 Club, by: Parpar Priatna, 9/08

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