After important comprehending him of jump rebid at two level, now we will learn to rebid forcing. West as dealer doing opening bid 1♣. East of response 1♦, Hereinafter of answer 1♦, West of rebid 1♥ which have double sense? First meaning is natural that is holding 5 cards of Heart with 16-18 Hcp, while the other sense is hold 19 Hcp or more with any distribution.
Card distribution example and way of bidding:
1. West East
♠ AQ9 ♠ K432
♥ KJ10753 ♥ A8642
♦ 95 ♦ 2
♣ AK ♣ 642
1♣ 1♦
1♥¹ 2♠²
2NT³ 3♦
3♥ 3♠ ⁶
4NT 5♣
1: Forcing, 19 up or 5 cards ♥ with 16-18 Hcp
2: 5 cards ♥ with short other suit
3: Ask short suit
4: Short diamond
5: Slam try in Heart
6: Control in suit spade
7: Key card
8: One key card
System of bidding modified, many player using rebid 1♥ as forcing by 19 point or more. While to show opener heart suit of rebid 2♥ to answer 1♦ from responder who mean hold 5 cards of heart and 4 cards other suit or 6 card of heart with limited point that is 16-18 Hcp. Whereas response of forcing (1♥) to show 5 cards of heart or 5 cards of spade usually set back like following: to express responder hold 5 cards of spade rebid 2♥, while for hold 5 cards of heart rebid 2♠. Why have to that way?
This matter to take care of bidding level, if opener rebid mean natural by 16-18 point so opener can pass bid to response 2♥ responder. Thereby will not happened bidding over able to harm. On the contrary of responder rebid 2♠, bidding can be continued because both sides have found fit 5-5 in heart suit and possibility of distribution can profit. To be more sharpness again, let us see responder rebid of rebid 1♥ from opener like hereunder.
Opener Responder
1♣ - 1♦ : 0-7 Hcp, any distribution
1♥ - 1♠ : 0-4 Hcp, any distribution
1NT: Balance or 4144 short ♥, 5-7 Hcp
2♣ : Natural, 5 cards ♣, 5-7 Hcp
2♦ : Natural, 5 cards ♦, 5-7 Hcp
2♥ : 5 cards ♠, 5-7 Hcp
2♠ : 5 cards ♥, 5-7 Hcp
2NT: 5 cards ♥, 5-7 Hcp, no short other suit
3♣ : 4441 distribution, Spl ♣
3♦ : 4414 distribution, Spl ♦
3♥ : 1444 distribution, Spl ♠
At opening 1♣, if rebid opener 1♥ of responder rebid 1♦, first assumption that partner hold 5 cards of heart. Therefore, with support of suit good heart so giving clear answer about hold of card of responder.
Example of bidding and card distribution
2. West East
♠ 3 ♠ A864
♥ AK ♥ Q864
♦ 973 ♦ 2
♣ AKQ9753 ♣ 8642
1♣ 1♦
1♥¹ 3♦²
4♣³ 4♠
1: Forcing
2: 4414 distributions with 5-7 Hcp
3: Slam try in Club
4: Cue bid
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Translate from Magazine Bridge Indonesia, Opening 1 Club, by: Parpar Priatna, 9/08
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